Ter DM Gate VAlVe, sein solid GAte, rIsing stem, GAte VAlVes wIth resilieNt seals. The sein purpOse made foder mud, cement, fracturing und watäh sähVIce und aRe easy tO-Operte und sImple tO maintaIn.
Ter DM GAte VAlVe, wIth superior desZündung fEAtuRes PrecIsIon woderKm shIP und a
ProVen princIple are eNgineered tO meet ter harsh drilLing requirements in todays-Ölfield.
Designed sPETcIfIcVerbündeter foder AbrasIVe und ÄhOsIVe use
Alle VAlVes HaVe Stainless StAal Stems
API 6A PSL 1, 2 und 3 aVailable
GAtes c sein supplied in NIcKELPLatEd Carbon StAal, Monel, Aluminum Bronze
oder Stainless StAal
StainLess oder CARbauf StAal INserts wIth NItriLe oder HNBR ELastOmäh
Factory Fotorezeptoressure TeStr. Ed in AccordaNce wIth API. 6A
C sein supplIEd wIth Flanged Ende ConnectioNs, Hammäh Union Ends, Threaded
ConnectIonen oder Butt Weld Ends
SOur SähVIce MOdels tO NACE HERR-01-75
AVailable wIth Pressure Ratings herauf tO 5,000 PsI in 2", 3", 4", 5" x 4 " und 6 " x 4 " VAlVe Sizes
Full Material TRaceability GuaraNteed
Supplied wIth Full CähtIfIcatION at-Nr. extRa charge
OIL und Gas Lines
M Ifolds aNd PUpelines
Cunhöflich Öl und SOur Gas
WEll TReating ChemIcaLs
DrilliNg CermIcaLs
Watäh Flood Lines
AbrasIVe DRilling Mud